Relationships Between Turkey - Libya

Turkey has deep-rooted relations with the Libyan people that date back centuries.

The first Turkish Ambassador to Libya, Celal Karasapan, was appointed on September 4, 1953

After the revolution of February 17, 2011, Turkey recognized the National Transitional Council as “the only representative of the Libyan people”. It became the first country to appoint an Ambassador to Tripoli on September 2, 2011, following Tripoli's entry under the full control of the National Transitional Council.

However, due to the deteriorating security situation in Libya in 2014, Turkey’s Consulate General in Benghazi temporarily ceased operations on June 14, 2014, and Turkey’s Embassy in Tripoli on July 25, 2014. Turkey’s Embassy in Tripoli later resumed its activities in Tripoli in January 2017. On the other hand, its Consulate General in Misurata has been continuing its activities continuously since March 2013, when it was opened.

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Turkey has deep-rooted relations with the Libyan people that date back centuries. The communications between Turks and Libyan people that started in the Ottoman period gained speed with the diplomatic relations established after the recognition of the Libyan State, founded on December 24, 1951, by Turkey.

Relationships Between Turkey - Libya

Turkey has supported the emerging dialogue process in Libya since the end of 2014. The Libyan Political Agreement, which was finalized at the end of this process, was signed in December 2015 at a ceremony attended by our Minister. The Presidential Council (PC), established by the Agreement providing for a two-year transition period, began its work in March 2016. The Presidential Council was recognized as the country's only legitimate executive body by United Nations Security Council resolution 2259. Turkey was the first country to visit the Presidential Council at its headquarters.

Turkey’s relationship with Libya is being developed in every possible area based on contributing to the achievement of lasting peace, stability, and security in Libya and mutual benefit. Within this context, “Limitation of Maritime Jurisdiction in the Mediterranean” and “Security and Military Cooperation” Memorandums of Understanding were signed with the Government of National Consensus on November 27, 2019.

Turkey is actively supporting the international efforts led by the UN to find a political solution to the problems in Libya through dialogue between Libyans. Within this context, on January 19, 2020, the President of Turkey participated in the Berlin Conference, which was held to find a political solution to the Libyan crisis and was attended by many countries.

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